How to Motivate Yourself: walkthrough
There are days waking up in bed and you suddenly felt surge of loneliness accompanied with sadness and laziness to shot up from bed.
Burying your face deep on our soft pillow, heavy sigh, hugging the blanket for comfort.
Lying down for quite awhile now, feeling unmotivated and lacking of energy.
The faint arrays of sunlight coming from your small windows gently hitting your eyes, and there you are leaving no option but to take courage to shot on your bed up.
Feet planting on the ground, cold pavements met your feet. Making the bed, and in deep thought.
Self motivation is one of an important factor and concept of our daily life. While pleasing others and meeting external standards can certainly motivate us to get things done.
And for me external motivation is less likely to leave you feeling personally fulfilled and finding deeper meaning in your life.
We generally do better work when we are self-motivated, but we are also better able to cope with stress and are simply happier when we are doing what we want to be doing.
If you are only motivated to achieve standards set by someone else and not for your own internal satisfaction, you are probably not self-motivated.
Self motivation is all about where your drive comes from, if your motivation comes from within and pushes you to achieve for your own personal reason, then it can be considered self-motivation.
Here are 8 steps that might help you:
How to Motivate Yourself
1)Don't Fear Failure
2)Compare Yourself to Yourself
3)Find A Support System
4)Learn Something New
5)Medidate and Visualize
7)Take Care of Yourself
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